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Laura A. Wasser

Laura Wasser is a Family Law Attorney with over 20 years of experience. Having handled a number of high-profile, high-net-worth divorce cases, Laura Wasser and her team have developed an intuitive and simple process for uncontested divorces available to everyone.

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it's over easy is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney.


One of the spouses must be a resident of the state for at least 6 months prior to filing with a court. At the same time, the petitioner (the spouse who files the papers) has to live in the county where the case will be considered for 90 days before filing.

Please NOTE, it's over easy does not offer services in Medina County. Please contact customer support to learn your options.


Texas is a no-fault state. This means that parties can allege that the marriage is insupportable, and obtain a divorce without stating additional grounds.

Texas also recognizes fault bases for divorce, including adultery, cruelty, conviction of a felony and abandonment. It is not necessary to claim one of these fault based grounds.


Texas law favors joint managing conservatorship, meaning both parents continue to participate in the decision making and other important issues involving their children. Typically, the children will reside primarily with one parent but have significant contact (visitation) with the other parent.

The courts will accept parental agreements regarding custody, but the courts favor the use of the Standard Possession Order. it's over easy provides the Standard Possession Order and will also allow you to enter your own parenting agreement.


Texas has state mandated guidelines for child support, based on the income of the paying parent. You may choose to deviate from the state guidelines, if the deviation is reasonable and well founded, the court will likely approve the deviation.

it's over easy calculates child support based on the information provided. This is a calculation tool only, it is not a substitute for legal advice.


it's over easy employees cannot provide legal advice. If you have a complicated or contested case, you should seek the assistance of a qualified family law attorney.

The laws and explanations provided by it's over easy are regarding the general issues addressed with each page. There are no explanations provided based on specific legal questions from our users and explanations are not specific to any real, individual factual circumstances. it's over easy is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney.


Texas court filing fees are in addition to the cost of using it's over easy. This cost may vary by county. Please check with your local courthouse to determine the exact amount.

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